Apartment information form

Send information about your apartment/property you would like to rent out or sell. Some of the fields only apply for renting, those are not required and can be left blank. Mandatory fields are marked with red asterisk.

You are not committing to anything by filling this form but we will contact you to conclude a listing agreement.

After submitting the form, a confirmation will appear on your screen, and you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not see the confirmation or receive the email, please try again or contact us at toimisto@asuntopehtoori.fi.

"*" näyttää pakolliset kentät

Renting or selling?

I would like to*

Contact details

Please note that the next four fields are mandatory.
I own the apartment
I wish to be contacted

Other infomation

Please note that the next three fields are mandatory.
Are you or have you been a politically influential person or a family member or close business partner of such a person in the last year?*

Apartment / property information

Please note that the next three fields are mandatory.
Water charge is
Condition of the apartment
Pudota tiedostot tähän tai
Max. tiedoston koko: 10 MB.
    I have read and accept Asuntopehtoori privacy statement and I agree that my data will be stored and used in accordance with the privacy statement.*
    Please note that this field is mandatory.
    I certify that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge and agree to update it if circumstances change.*
    Please note that this field is mandatory.
    Kenttä on validointitarkoituksiin ja tulee jättää koskemattomaksi.